Presentation Guidelines: Special Interest Groups
APA SIGs and PAS SIGs have a wide latitude in how their session is organized and what is presented. The session chairs should communicate the schedule and any presentation requirements to the speakers. If speakers are preparing PowerPoint presentations, please follow the guidelines below.
PowerPoint Slide Design:
- You must state whether you have any conflict of interest at the beginning of the talk and you must include a Conflict of Interest disclosure slide even if there is nothing to disclose.
- Create your slides in the 16 x 9 format.
- Estimate 45-60 seconds for each slide; 10-14 slides will fill at 10-minute slot.
- Use bullet points, not full sentences.
- Edit your slides to essential words.
- Use tables, lists, figures and diagrams whenever possible.
- Font sizes < 20 should be avoided.
Recommendations for Presentations
- Talk slowly and clearly – if you have too many slides, you will feel rushed
- Face the audience, not the computer or slides
- When presenting graphs, figures or tables, orient the listener to them. For example, stating things like “the y axis represents concentration of breast milk. The x-axis represents time… “
Conflict of Interest
- You must state whether you have any conflict of interest at the beginning of the talk.
- Must include Conflict of Interest disclosure slide even if there is nothing to disclose.
AV Guidelines, Presentation Upload, and Speaker Ready Room
All presentations must be uploaded to the PAS Presentation Management Website. Your final submission is required at least 8 hours in advance of your session. Speaker check in is required at least 8 hours in advance of your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room, Pennsylvania Convention Center – Level 200, Room 204 C. This will ensure the quality of your presentation(s) including fonts, bullets, outlines, animations, etc. Allow extra time if polling slides need to be created.
Polling & Q&A
The PAS 2020 Meeting offers polling and Q&A through the mobile app using Conferences i/o (Scholarly Sessions, Workshops, and SIGs only.) All polling and Q&A in presentations must be done through Conferences i/o; we will not support other polling platforms such as Poll Everywhere.