*Reference your 2/23/21 PAS speaker notification email for Session Format
Presented as Live or On-Demand with Live Q&A
Presented as e-Poster or Highlighted e-Poster
will be added to the On-demand library after sessions end and available thru 01/31/22
I’m Presenting a Live Session at PAS 2021, when should I plan to be available?
Phase I: May 1-4, 2021 | Presenter Attendance Required | |||
Session Time | Presentation Format | On-Demand Session Viewing* | Tech Check | On Air |
9:00-11:00 am | Live Session | —- | 8:35-9:00 am | 9:00-11:00 am |
1:00-3:00 pm | Live Session | —- | 12:35-1:00 pm | 1:00-3:00 pm |
4:30-6:00 pm | Live Session | —- | 4:05-4:30 pm | 4:30-6:00 pm |
*Attendees are advised to watch prior to Q&A. All On-Demand content is available beginning April 28, 2021.
All times listed in the above table are CT.
1. BY April 2 Register for PAS |
2. BY April 16 Submit your Pre-recorded Presentation |
3. BY April 16 Complete your Personal Tech Check |
4. Your Presentation Day Be on time for your Session |
BY March 18 For Early Discount rate |
Week of March 22 Presentation Portal opens for submission of required presentation pre-recording and assigned tasks |
FROM March 12 – March 22 PAS required Presenter Tech Check has been scheduled (15 – 30 minutes each) |
25 Minutes Before Session Start Join to verify all equipment is working using the link provided |
BY April 2 To remain in the PAS program. Only registered speakers may present |
BY April 16 Final Day to submit required presentation pre-recording and assigned tasks |
BY April 26 All Presenters complete the required Tech Check with professional AV support to verify audio and video work properly |
When It is Time To Go Live Staff will prompt when its time to share your webcam and join Live Session |
ON April 17 Invitations expire for unregistered speakers |
ON April 17 Invitations expire for speakers with no pre-recorded presentation submitted |
ON April 27 Invitations expire for speakers with no completed Tech Check |
When Finished Invitations expire for speakers with no completed Tech Check |
Features |
All Presenters Live Tech Check Required | All Presenters Join 25 Minutes before Session | Pre-Recorded Presentations Used in Session | Live Moderator via Webcam | Live Presenters via Webcam | Live Chat Box Attendee Q&A |
Live or Pre-Recorded Awardees (Varies) |
Presidential Plenary (2 hrs) |
√ |
√ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Scholarly Session (2 hrs) |
√ |
√ | √ | √ | √ |
√ |
optional |
Platform Session (90 mins) |
√ |
√ | √ | √ | √ |
√ |
optional |
*Note: your session (A or B above) will be communicated via email.
I’m Presenting an On-Demand Session with Live Q&A at PAS 2021, when should I plan to be available?
Phase I: May 1-4, 2021 | Presenter Attendance Required | |||
Session Time | Presentation Format | On-Demand Session Viewing* | Tech Check | On Air |
9:00 am-noon or 10:00 am-noon | On-Demand w/Live Q&A | 9:00-11:00 am | 11:05-11:30 am | 11:30 am – noon |
1:00-4:00 pm or 2:00-4:00 pm | On-Demand w/Live Q&A | 1:00-3:00 pm | 3:05-3:30 pm | 3:30-4:00 pm |
4:30-7:00 pm | On-Demand w/Live Q&A | 4:30-6:00 pm | 6:05-6:30 pm | 6:30-7:00 pm |
*Attendees are advised to watch prior to Q&A. All On-Demand content is available beginning April 28, 2021.
1. BY April 2 Register for PAS |
2. BY April 16 Submit your Pre-recorded Presentation |
3. BY April 16 Complete your Personal Tech Check |
4. Your Presentation Day Be on time for your Session |
BY March 18 For Early Discount rate |
Week of March 22 Presentation Portal opens for submission of required presentation pre-recording and assigned tasks |
FROM March 12 – March 22 PAS required Presenter Tech Check has been scheduled (15 – 30 minutes each) |
25 Minutes Before Session Start Join to verify all equipment is working using the link provided |
BY April 2 To remain in the PAS program. Only registered speakers may present |
BY April 16 Final Day to submit required presentation pre-recording and assigned tasks |
BY April 26 All Presenters complete the required Tech Check with professional AV support to verify audio and video work properly |
When It is Time To Go Live Staff will prompt when its time to share your webcam and join Live Session |
ON April 17 Invitations expire for unregistered speakers |
ON April 17 Invitations expire for speakers with no pre-recorded presentation submitted |
ON April 27 Invitations expire for speakers with no completed Tech Check |
When Finished A moderator will introduce you and will begin asking attendee questions. Attendees my also come on live |
Features |
All Presenters Live Tech Check Required | All Presenters Join 25 Minutes before Session | Live Moderator via Webcam | Live Presenters via Webcam | Live Chat Box Attendee Q&A | Attendee watches On-Demand prior to Scheduled Live Q&A |
Session Recorded and Added toOn-Demand |
Scholarly Session (2 hrs) |
√ |
√ | √ | √ | √ |
√ |
optional |
Platform Session (90 mins) |
√ |
√ | √ | √ | √ |
√ |
optional |
I’m Presenting a Highlighted e-Poster with Live Q&A at PAS 2021, when should I plan to be available?
Phase I: May 1-4, 2021 | Presenter Attendance Required | |||
Session Time | Presentation Format | On-Demand Session Viewing* | Tech Check | On Air |
6:15-7:15 pm | Highlighted e-Posters w/ Live Q&A | prior to 6:15 pm | —- | 6:15-7:15 pm |
*Attendees are advised to watch prior to Q&A. All On-Demand content is available beginning April 28, 2021.
All times listed in the above table are CT.
1. BY April 2 Register for PAS |
2. BY April 16 Submit your Pre-recorded Presentation |
3. BY April 16 Complete your Personal Tech Check |
4. Your Presentation Day Be on time for your Session |
BY March 18 For Early Discount rate |
Week of March 22 Presentation Portal opens for submission of required poster presentation pdf and audio recording |
FROM March 12-March 22 PAS required Presenter Tech Check has been scheduled (15 – 30 minutes each) |
May 1-4 (6:15 pm -7:15 pm) Join assigned live video chat |
BY April 2 To remain in the PAS program. Only registered speakers may present |
BY April 16 Final Day to submit required poster pdf and audio recording |
BY April 26 All Presenters complete the required Tech Check with professional AV support to verify audio and video work properly |
When It is Time To Go Live A moderator will introduce you and begin asking attendee questions. Attendees may also come on live. |
ON April 17 Invitations expire for unregistered speakers |
ON April 17 Invitations expire for poster presentation if pdf and audio are not complete |
ON April 27 Invitations expire for speakers with no completed Tech Check |
Features |
All Presenters Live Tech Check Required | All Presenters Join 25 Minutes before Session | Live Moderator via Webcam | Live Presenters via Webcam | Live Chat Box Attendee Q&A | Attendee watches On-Demand prior to Scheduled Live Q&A |
Session Recorded and Added toOn-Demand |
Scholarly Session (2 hrs) |
√ |
√ | √ | √ | √ |
√ |
optional |
Platform Session (90 mins) |
√ |
√ | √ | √ | √ |
√ |
optional |
1. BY April 2 Register for PAS |
2. BY April 16 Submission of Required & Assigned Tasks |
3. April 28-June 4 Be on Time for your Session |
BY March 18 For Early Discount rate |
Week of March 22 Presentation Portal open for submission of required poster presentation pdf and audio recording |
FROM April 30-May 4 Engage with attendees via discussion and Q&A tab to gain valuable feedback |
BY April 2 To remain in the PAS program. Only registered speakers may present |
BY April 16 Final Day to submit required poster pdf and audio recording |
Note: Interaction will be saved to your presentation for future viewing |
ON April 17 Invitations expire unregistered speakers |
BY April 17 Invitations expire for poster presentation if pdf and audio are not complete |
Features |
PDF & 3 min Audio available for viewing 4/28/21 – 1/31/22 | Chat Box for Attendees to ask Presenters Questions 04/28/21 – 06/04/21 (Monitor Daily) 06/04/21 – 01/31/22 (No Required Monitoring) |
E-Poster (2 hrs) |
√ |
√ |
I am a Moderator for a session at PAS 2021, when should I plan to be available?
Phase I: May 1-4, 2021 | Presenter Attendance Required | |||
Session Time | Presentation Format | On-Demand Session Viewing* | Tech Check | On Air |
9:00-11:00 am | Live Session | —- | 8:35-9:00 am | 9:00-11:00 am |
9:00 am-noon or 10:00 am-noon | On-Demand w/Live Q&A | 9:00-11:00 am | 11:05-11:30 am | 11:30 am – noon |
1:00-3:00 pm | Live Session | —- | 12:35-1:00 pm | 1:00-3:00 pm |
1:00-4:00 pm or 2:00-4:00 pm | On-Demand w/Live Q&A | 1:00-3:00 pm | 3:05-3:30 pm | 3:30-4:00 pm |
4:30-6:00 pm | Live Session | —- | 4:05-4:30 pm | 4:30-6:00 pm |
4:30-7:00 pm | On-Demand w/Live Q&A | 4:30-6:00 pm | 6:05-6:30 pm | 6:30-7:00 pm |
6:15-7:15 pm | Highlighted e-Posters w/ Live Q&A | prior to 6:15 pm | —- | 6:15-7:15 pm |
*Attendees are advised to watch prior to Q&A. All On-Demand content is available beginning April 28, 2021.
All times listed in the above table are CT.
1. BY April 2 Register for PAS |
2. BY April 16 Submit your Pre-recorded Presentation |
3. BY April 16 Complete your Personal Tech Check |
Day Moderating/Chairing Preparing for Session |
BY March 18 For Early Discount rate |
Week of March 22 Presentation Portal opens for submission of required tasks |
FROM March 12 – March 22 PAS required Tech Check has been scheduled (15 – 30 minutes each) |
1 hour Before Session Start The moderator reviews questions in advance for each presentation in live Q&A. These questions will be brought over to the live session chatbox. |
BY April 17 To remain in the PAS program. Only registered speakers may present |
BY April 16 Final Day to submit required moderator/chair tasks |
BY April 26 All Moderators/Chairs complete required Tech Check with professional AV support to verify audio and video work properly |
25 Minutes Before Session StartArrive & complete your Tech Check using link provided. Make sure you have questions in advance for all presenters. If not, prepare questions for them |
Live sessions that include Q&A: 9:00 am to 11:00 am | 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Day of the Conference:
- Each presenter will have a Q&A tab associated with their presentation. Moderators will view these in advance to see what questions will be brought over when live Q&A opens.
- Create questions for any presentation that doesn’t have questions listed. These will be asked during live Q&A in case no questions come in for a presenter.
- Once Live – Moderators will handle welcome remarks, attendee reminders, and the introduction of each presenter.
- Q&A will go in order of the presentations, the way they are listed in the On-Demand version, starting with Presenter 1 for moderators to facilitate
- Each presenter will have 5-minutes to answer questions & the moderator will act as the timekeeper
- Upvoted questions(attendees vote on questions they would most like answered) Moderator should ask.
- After Presenter has had 5 minutes of Q&A, Moderator will move to the next Presenter who is Live and on the webcam.
- The Moderator webcam will be shown the entire time.
I am a Moderator for a session during Phase II at PAS 2021, when should I plan to be available?
Phase II: May 10-June 4, 2021 | Presenter Attendance Required | ||
Session Time | Presentation Format | Tech Check | On Air |
9:00-11:00 am | Live Session | 8:30-9:00 am | 9:00-11:00 am |
1:00-3:00 pm | Live Session | 12:30-1:00 pm | 1:00-3:00 pm |
All times listed in the above table are CT.
1. BY April 2 Register for PAS |
2. Day Moderating/Chairing Prepare for Session |
BY March 18 For Early Discount rate |
ON 30 Minutes Before Session Start Arrive and complete your Tech Check using link provided |
BY April 17 To remain in the PAS program. Only registered speakers may present |
When Its Time To Go Live Staff will prompt when it’s time to join Live Session and place you in the live session. Moderators/Chair will be live on shared webcam anytime speaking. Welcome remarks, reminders, and introductions will begin each session. Q&A based on the chat questions from attendees and are upvoted(attendees vote on questions they most want answered). |
Live sessions that include Q&A: 9:00 am to 11:00 am | 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Before the Conference:
- Register as a Full Access Pass attendee for the meeting.
- Join session 30 minutes prior to start time and stay until the session concludes.
Day of the Conference Example:
- Welcome remarks, attendee reminders, and introduction of session.
- Facilitate live Q&A based on the chat questions from the attendees. Upvoting (attendees vote on questions they would most like answered) will be utilized to indicate the questions Moderator should ask.
- Moderator webcam will be shown anytime they are speaking.