Original Science Abstract Sessions Guidelines

Platform Presentation Guidelines


You will have 10 minutes to present your prepared presentation.  This will be followed by 5 minutes to answer questions from the audience.  The time schedule will be adhered to strictly out of respect for the other presenters.  If you exceed your 10 minutes, the moderator will interrupt you and open the floor to questions.


If possible, please prepare PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation.

Recommendations for Slides:

  • Must include Conflict of Interest disclosure slide even if there is nothing to disclose.
  • Create your slides in a 16 x 9 format
  • Estimate 45-60 seconds for each slide and therefore have no more than 10-14 slides.
  • Use bullet points, not full sentences
  • Edit your slides to essential words
  • Use tables, lists, figures and diagrams whenever possible. Science makes for a good poster; visuals make for a good presentation.
  • Font sizes < 20 should be avoided 

Recommendations for Presentations

  • Talk slowly and clearly – if you have too many slides, you will feel rushed
  • Face the audience, not the computer or slides
  • When presenting graphs, figures or tables, orient the listener to them. For example, stating things like “the y axis represents concentration of breast milk.  The x-axis represents time… “
  • Practice in advance to make sure your talk is no longer than 10 minutes

 Conflict of Interest

  • You must state whether you have any conflict of interest at the beginning of the talk.
  • Must include Conflict of Interest disclosure slide even if there is nothing to disclose.

 Presenter’s Submission and Check In:

All presentations must be uploaded to the PAS Meeting server prior to the meeting (preferred) –or– hand carried on flash drive or CD and checked into the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours in advance of presentation.  ALL presenters are required to check in at the Speaker Ready Room in the convention center at least six hours in advance of their presentation to ensure compatibility, prepare, rehearse, and finalize your presentation before submitting it to the attendant in the Speaker Ready Room.

Note: You are required to check-in with the Speaker Ready Room even if you have pre-submitted your presentation. All media submitted to the speaker ready room will be destroyed post show unless other arrangements are made.

PAS Speaker Ready Room is in the convention center.

There will not be a PAS Speaker Ready Room at the hotels.

Preparing your presentation for transfer:

  • You are required to include a disclosure slide at the beginning of your presentation. Samples on AV Guidelines.
  • Make sure you include any external files utilized in your presentation, i.e. video files, graphics and pictures.
  • Place your presentation and support files in a folder and then copy the entire folder to a “finalized” CD or DVD-R, or USB memory stick.
  • Please read, very important! If you have two or more presentations in the same session, it is essential to provide separate presentation files for each talk. Combining talks on one file for the same session will cause a delay in the session and potential loss of information.

Proper Naming of Files: Files names must include the following information separated by underscores:

Format: Date_Room_Time_LastName_FirstName.ppt

Example: 050509_Rm33_1300_Smith_John.ppt

There are four options for submitting your presentation:

Online: Preferred Method

Onsite: Take your presentation and all related files on disc/USB to the “Speaker Ready Room” at the convention center at least 24 hours prior to your session

Bring a backup copy with you: Remember to make a backup copy of your files and transport that media in a separate piece of luggage.

Making Changes To Your Presentation: Once your presentation is loaded on the PAS Network Presentation Manager server in the Speaker Ready Room you will be allowed to return to make changes up to 24 hours in advance of the session where you will be speaking.

AV Guidelines

Please see additional AV Guidelines below.

Oral Poster Symposia Presentation Guidelines


Poster symposia are two hours in length, with 10-12 posters grouped by topic. Following a 30-minute viewing period, short oral presentations and a discussion period will be chaired by session moderators, with questions and comments from the audience. The moderators determine the exact format for the discussion period. Instructions regarding the format will be sent by the moderators 4-6 weeks before the meeting.

Poster symposia provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas between presenters and audience members. The schedule below indicates the set-up time for the symposia. Authors should be present in the poster symposia room during the designated session time.

Set-Up: Each poster board is numbered sequentially in your session. Locate your assigned poster board and mount your poster within the time noted on these instructions. Pushpins will be provided in the area.

Take-Down: Please disassemble your posted materials at the end of the session. Any materials left on the poster board at the end of the session will be removed and discarded. PAS will not be responsible for posters left at the end of session. 


Poster Board Dimension: Surface of the Board: 4 feet high and 8 feet wide [1.22 metres and 2.44 metres].

 Header: Prepare a headline that identifies your research to be mounted at the top of the poster board. Lettering should be 1 ½ “ [3.81 cm] high or more. Include authors and their affiliations under the header.  Disclosure information should be visibly notated on poster presentation immediately following the poster title and authors.

Organization: The key is to achieve clarity and simplicity. Do not overload or overcrowd the poster. Use a coherent sequence (top to bottom or left to right) to guide the viewer through the poster. Use figures, tables, graphs and photographs when appropriate; keep text brief. It may be helpful to have materials pre-mounted on mounting boards. All materials should be legible from a distance.

Typography: Avoid using abbreviations, acronyms and jargon. Font should be consistent throughout.

Completion: Now ask,

➊  What do I want the viewer to remember?

➋  Is the message clear?

➌  Do important points stand out?

➍  Is there a balance between words/illustrations?

➎  Is the pathway through the poster clear?

➏  Is the poster understandable without oral explanation?

Date Symposia Time Poster Set Up
Saturday, May 2 8:00 am – 10:00 am 7:00 am – 8:00 am
Sunday, May 3 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Monday, May 4 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

10:00 am – 10:30 am

12:30 pm – 1:000 pm

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Poster Session Presentation Guidelines

Poster presentations provide an opportunity for interchange of ideas between the presenter and audience interested in his/her study. The poster should be outlined so the research can be understood without an oral explanation as a poster may also be viewed when the author is not present.


Posters will be presented during 4 sessions at the convention center exhibit hall. Please remain by your poster for the time specified below and discuss research personally with interested individuals. Poster facilitators will visit each poster during the author attendance time.

Set-Up: Each poster board is numbered sequentially in your session. Locate your assigned poster board and mount your poster within the time noted on these instructions. Pushpins will be provided in the area.

Take-Down: Please disassemble your posted materials at the end of the session. Any materials left on the poster board at the end of the session will be removed and stored at the Poster Concierge located in the exhibit hall. PAS will not be responsible for posters left at the end of each session.


Poster Board Dimension: Surface of the Board: 4 feet high and 8 feet wide [1.22metres and 2.44 metres]. 

Header: Prepare a headline that identifies your research to be mounted at the top of the poster board. Lettering should be 1 ½ “ [3.81 cm] high or more. Include authors and their affiliations under the header. Disclosure information should be visibly notated on poster presentation immediately following the poster title and authors.

Organization: The key is to achieve clarity and simplicity. Do not overload or overcrowd the poster. Use a coherent sequence (top to bottom or left to right) to guide the viewer through the poster. Use figures, tables, graphs and photographs when appropriate; keep text brief. It may be helpful to have materials pre-mounted on mounting boards. All materials should be legible from a distance.

Typography: Avoid using abbreviations, acronyms and jargon. Font should be consistent throughout.

Completion: Now ask,

➊   What do I want the viewer to remember?

➋   Is the message clear?

➌   Do important points stand out?

➍   Is there a balance between words/illustrations?

➎   Is the pathway through the poster clear?

➏   Is the poster understandable without oral explanation?

Poster Session Schedules

Please wear your badge for entry.  (Schedule is subject to change)

Set Up

(all posters)

for Viewing

Attendance Required

Remove Poster
Saturday, May 2 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Sunday, May 3 12:00 pm – 4:15 pm 4:15 pm –7:30 pm 5:45 pm – 7:30 pm 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Monday, May 4 12:00 pm – 4:15 pm 4:15 pm –7:30 pm 5:45 pm – 7:30 pm 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, May 5 6:30 am – 7:00 am 7:00 am –11:00 am 7:30 am –9:30 am 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

 LDI, Call4Posters™, who, for a fee, can assist poster presenters with the production of their posters, may contact you.  LDI will contact you via email at a later date.  Should you not be interested in this service, please disregard the email that will be sent to the contact person on the abstract. Visit Call4Posters for information on their services.

Moderator and Chair Guidelines

For platform sessions, each paper is allocated a total of 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation of the work followed by five minutes of discussion or questions). Please review the abstracts in advance by accessing your PAS Program and Events Center (PPEC) invitation under the “Session Information” section of the invitation. If you are co-moderating, please contact your co-moderator in advance (contact info available in the PPEC invitation)If a presentation is canceled or an author does not attend, it is important to either take a 15-minute break or to use the time for questions and discussion which will enable the remaining presentations to stay as scheduled.

Moderator Onsite Instructions: 

No Podium Folders with session information will be available. Please preprint all session information needed or access via your PAS Program and Events Center  account invitation. There will be a floating PAS Room Manager available to assist with any needs.

Introduce Yourself: Familiarize your audience with your professional credentials.

Award or Special Recognition: Announce award recipients and recognize joint sponsorships as noted on the session details published in the final program guide and placed on the head table.

Stay on Schedule: Follow the time schedule so sessions/presentations that follow are not delayed and attendees know when to expect specific speaker presentations. 

Room Sets and Sizes: Session rooms are assigned according to estimated audience attendance, session requirements, and proximity to sessions of similar content. If you sense that a room size is too small for the anticipated attendees, alert PAS Meeting staff as soon as possible.

Presentations: All presenters received advance notification on procedures for computerized presentation and are advised to come to the meeting prepared.

Disclosure Formalities: Moderators and Presenters have been notified that before they address the audience, they must disclose both verbally and on a presentation slide, information regarding conflict of interest disclosure and/or unapproved or off-label discussions relevant to their participation. If a presenter has not included the disclosure slide, as moderator, you must ask the speaker to verbally disclose commercial relationships to the audience or inform the audience if he/she has documented that he/she has no relevant financial relationships to disclose. A complete disclosure listing is accessible via a link on the message center screen, the PAS Website and a hard copy will also accessible at the information desk.

Academic Discussion: Academic and scientific discussion and debate are always encouraged; however, commercial interest directed questions are not permitted at a CME certified educational session because these questions potentially become a platform for promotion. If an issue arises, request the individual to rephrase the question in a non-promotional way.

Photos of Posters and Slides are NOT Permitted: The use of cameras (including but not limited to cellular phones, film, digital, video taking or image or sound capturing) or audio taping equipment is prohibited anywhere during the Conference without prior permission from the Pediatric Academic Societies and the author.

Problems? PAS and audiovisual staff will roam and monitor rooms during the session. Please do not hesitate to ask monitors for assistance.

Assistance Options: Please contact a staff or AV hall monitor, Press the “Help” button on computer screen or visit the PAS Information Desk located in the lobby.

Poster Symposia Moderator and Discussant Guidelines

There are usually two moderators for each Poster Symposium and 10-12 posters. The moderators may structure the session as they prefer; a typical program allocates ~30 minutes for general poster viewing, followed by 1 1/2 hours of discussion.

Poster presentations are usually clustered in groups of four. Within the groups, each author is asked to use 2-3 slides and no more than three minutes to present their main findings. These brief presentations should focus on the rationale for the study and how the results provide new insights and/or mechanisms. This will be followed by general discussion of the four posters within the group. Moderators also ask each presenter to come prepared with at least one question for each of the other presenters in the group. They encourage co-authors and mentors to participate actively in the discussion—those interactions are what make a poster symposium more informative and engaging than a platform session.

Poster Symposium co-moderators need to confer about six weeks prior to the meeting to confirm their presentation format, group the posters in a logical manner, and communicate with the abstract presenters. All participants should familiarize themselves with the abstracts in the symposia. A Poster Symposium discussant helps fuel the discussion by asking relevant questions from the audience, with the goal of increasing audience participation and engagement.


PAS does not pay speaker honorariums. However, we do offer the following speaker benefits for Scholarly Session participants only (Basic-Clinical-Translational Roundtables, Debate/Pro-Con Discussions, Hot Topic/Topic Symposia, Panel Discussions, State of the Art Plenary):

Scholarly Session Speakers who provide an overview/presentation for 10 minutes or longer:

Member Speaker:

    • Association members are encouraged to participate actively in the development of their association’s scientific program at PAS. A member of PIDS who provides an overview/presentation for 10 minutes or longer receives:
    • Complimentary meeting registration

Non-Member Speaker: Highly qualified speakers who are not yet association members may be invited by session organizers or chairs to participate in PAS. A speaker who was not a member of APS, SPR, APA, AAP Fellow, ASPN, PIDS as of September 1, 2019 and who provides an overview/presentation for 10 minutes or longer receives:

    • Complimentary meeting registration
    • Up to two nights lodging at a conference contracted hotel. Note: speaker must book and pay for the reservation at a conference contracted hotel themselves, then submit the receipt for reimbursement by June 15, 2020.
    • Up to $250 for incidentals. Itemized receipts must be submitted; see PAS Travel Guidelines for details.
    • Standard economy air travel to/from PAS Meeting, which must be booked no less than 30 days prior to the start of the PAS Meeting through the PAS Egencia account. If travel is not booked through PAS Egencia by March 29, 2020, the speaker must book and pay for their own travel. (Prior approval needed for layovers that are non-PAS Meeting related.)
    • If the speaker is unable to attend the PAS Meeting after a ticket is booked, he/she is responsible to reimburse PAS for the cost of the ticket (ticket is not transferrable and can only be used by individual for his/her personal use.)
    • The PAS Travel Guidelines and Speaker Expense forms will be sent by email to eligible speakers by the PAS Office. If you do not receive the email by Dec. 1, 2020, please contact brunoehler@central-office.info.
    • Speaker Expense forms must be submitted by June 15, 2020 to be eligible for reimbursement.

PAS Scholarly Session Program Chairs: Chairs are not eligible for complimentary meeting registration or compensation. Chairs who provide an overview/presentation longer than 10 minutes will be classified as both a chair and a speaker and therefore are eligible for the speaker support detailed above.

PAS Original Science Abstract Programs: Platforms, Poster Symposia, Poster Sessions Moderators, Discussants, Poster Facilitators, and Presenters are not eligible for complimentary meeting registrations. All participants must register for the PAS Meeting.

PAS Clubs: All participants must register for the PAS Meeting. If grant funding is obtained, the PAS Speaker Support Policy applies, and grant funding is used first towards speaker and audio visual expenses and then to other expenses.  If grant funding is not obtained, no speaker support is offered; registration and travel expenses are the responsibility of the speaker. 

PAS Workshops–Including ASPN and PIDS Workshops: Workshop presenters are not eligible for complimentary meeting registrations. All participants must register for the PAS Meeting.

APA Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Faculty participants are not eligible for complimentary meeting registrations. All participants must register for the PAS Meeting.

Presidential Plenaries: Special guest speakers who are invited by partner and alliance organizations to speak as high profile “Guest Speakers” at the organization’s Presidential Plenary Session will follow the PAS Non-Member speaker policy

Abstracts Frequently Asked Questions

  • January 6, 2020 @ 11:59 P.M. EST.
  • February 2020.
  • Character count is 2,600 and includes spaces and title, but it does not include author names, figures and tables.
  • The disclosure form is part of the account creation process when making an account to submit an abstract. All authors cited in abstracts must log in to the PAS Program and Events Center (PPEC) and complete Conflict of Interest Disclosures (COI). Video tutorial here. The abstract’s submitting author should alert her/his colleagues about this requirement. The abstract may be submitted before all disclosures are completed, but COI disclosures for each author must be completed by January 15, 2020.
  • All.
  • $90 for PAS.
  • Abstracts can be presented at the PAS Meeting as long as they are not published in a manuscript format.
  • Yes, but the submission of multiple and similar abstracts from the same individual or laboratory is strongly discouraged.
  • Yes, colored figures are acceptable.
  • No, the person who submits an abstract does not also have to be one of the authors.
  • Phone: 888-503-1050 / Email: mcsupport@thomson.com; Monday-Friday 12AM – 8:30PM ET
  • Closed December 26th and January 2nd.