We are excited you are interested in submitting to PAS 2022. As you prepare, be aware there are new required pre-submission steps for you – and your session participants – before you may submit.  These new actions will take approximately ten minutes to complete. The Key Tips and What to do Now below will save you time and allow you to easily meet these new requirements and the submission deadline.

Important: Since your submission is dependent on others’ timely actions, please start your submission as early as possible. We suggest that you encourage your session participants to  complete their required tasks outlined below no later than November 1. This will provide you with adequate time to complete the remaining pre-submission steps. We also recommend building your session agenda and having it outlined on paper prior to entering the details into the submission site.

Call for Scholarly Sessions, Workshops, APA and PAS SIGs, and Volunteers: Reviewers and Moderators opens: October 6, and closes: November 8, 2021 at 11:59pm CT.


  1. You will create your submission using Cadmium, the new PAS program tool.
  2. To begin you will be required to enter the first name, last name, and email address for each session participant: speakers, chair, co-chairs, leader, or co-leaders. These individuals will automatically receive an invitation to complete three required pre-submission tasks.
  • Please note:  All session participants must complete these three required pre-submission tasks in order for you to  submit. Until all session participants complete the three required pre-submission tasks the submit function will remain deactivated. The tasks are:
    • Complete a brief Participant Information Form to create a profile
    • Complete the COI Disclosures Form (due to new ACCME requirements)
    • Complete the Acknowledgement Form
  1. Within the system you will invite your session participants to complete their required pre-submission tasks, and you may remind them as  frequently as you choose. Reminders are accomplished by selecting the “Invite” button beside each participant’s name.
  2. You will be notified via email when each session participant completes the required tasks.
  3. Once all session participants have completed the required tasks, you may complete all remaining tasks, and submit your proposal.


  1. Let your session participants know NOW that they will be responsible for completing three required pre-submission tasks in advance  and that you are unable to submit the proposal until they do so. We have drafted a short email that you can send to notify them now.

Sample Email:

Hello –

As I prepare our PAS 2022 submission, I wanted to let you know that PAS requires you to complete three tasks before I am able to submit the proposal. I plan to begin our submission on . When I enter your first name, last name, and email    you will receive an automated email from notifying you that you must complete three required pre-submission tasks before our submission may be completed. These tasks are:

  1. Complete the ‘Participant Information’ form.
  2. Complete the ‘Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosures’ form.
  3. Complete the ‘Acknowledgement’ form.

Please complete your three required pre-submission tasks as soon as you can upon receipt of the automated email. The process will take less than 10 minutes, and our submission is dependent on you completing these prerequisite tasks.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention,
Insert your signature

  1. Gather the following items to make your submission easier:
    • Session Title and Description
    • Order of presentations with each presentation title, duration, speaker name, and email.

We are excited for your submission! Detailed guidelines to submit will be released on October 6 with the corresponding call opening.

If you have any questions prior to the call opening, please reach out to